Journals with Impact Factor (IF)

Journal of East European Management Studies

in JCR/WoS as: Journal for East European Management Studies

ISSN: 1862-0019 e-ISSN: 0949-6181
Established in: 2005
Frequency: quarterly (four issues per year)
Rainer Hampp Verlag
Indexed in: Social Science Citation Index®, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), JSTOR®, RePEC, (IF 0.750 in 2016, 5-year IF 0,878 in 2016), SCOPUS (SJR 0.370, SNIP 0.554, CiteScore 0,75).

Editor-in-ChiefThomas Steger


Baltic Journal of Management

ISSN: 1746-5265
Established in: 2006
Frequency: quarterly (four issues per year)
Emerald Publishing (affiliated by ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania)

Indexed in: Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) Web of Science Core Collection (IF0.761 in 2016, 5-year IF 1.000 in 2016), SCOPUS (SJR 0.304, SNIP 0.567, CiteScore 1.11),

Editor-in-ChiefRūta Kazlauskaitė


Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review“ (EBER)

ISSN: 2353-883X, e-ISSN2353-8821
Established in: 2013
Frequency: quarterly (four issues per year)
Publisher: Cracow University of Economics, Poland – Kraków
Indexed in:
 SCOPUS (since mid-2018), ESCI Web of Science Core Collection, ABI/INFORM Global, Proquest Entrepreneurship, EBSCO Business Source Complete, ERIH Plus, DOAJ, CEEOL, EconPapers – RePEc, Google Scholar, BazEkon, ICI Journals Master List (currently under evaluation of EconLit and Cabell’s).
Editor-in-ChiefKrzysztof Wach
MNiSzW: B (12 p. 2013-2016)


Title of journal: Inžinerinė ekonomika – Engineering Economics

Webpage of journal:

ISSB: 1392-2785

e-ISSB: 2029-5839

Established in: 1990

Frequency: five times a year (February, April, June, October and December)

Publisher: School of Economics and Business,Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania

Indexed in:  

ISI Web of Science (& Master Journal List) by THOMSON REUTERS Services (Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition)

IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences)

EBSCO (Business Source Complete, Current Abstracts, TOC Premier)

VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information)

CEEOL (The Central and Eastern European Online Library)

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

SCOPUS (Elsevier Bibliographic Database)

Editor-in-Chief:  Prof. Bronius Neverauskas,

Support Contact:  Aistė Dovalienė,